

In international sign language


Do you want to convey your messages more effectively? Do you want to have a greater impact when arguing at work or among friends? Then this course is for you. During the weekend, we will practise how to strengthen your arguments. 

On Friday, we will start with a brief introduction to the theory of rhetoric. This will give us time to analyze your homework, where you will present a video on how to argue effectively.

Throughout the weekend (Saturday and Sunday), you will receive a balance of theory and practical exercises. In the theory sessions, you will have time to understand why achieving a good balance between logos, ethos, and pathos is important for capturing attention and constructing strong arguments. On Saturday evening, we will organize a kind of debate night where we will practice arguing briefly and without preparation.

The instructor is Marta Muñoz, who comes from Spain. She is a trained lawyer and has worked extensively with human rights at the Deaf Federation in Spain.



  • 17:00: Check-in
  • 17:30: Dinner
  • 19:00: Introduction, check-in, and brief presentation of your homework.
  • 21:00: Evening coffee with snacks.


  • 08:00-09:00: Breakfast
  • 09:00-12:00: Teaching session with a break
  • 12:00-13:00: Lunch
  • 13:00-16:30: Teaching session with a break
  • 17:30-19:00: Dinner
  • 19:00-20:30: Debate practice
  • 20:30: Evening coffee


  • 08:00-09:00: Breakfast
  • 09:00-12:00: Teaching session with a break
  • 12:00-13:00: Lunch and Goodbye




Filip Verhelst (fv@cbg.dk) 

Det siger vores kunder

Jeg synes,  Castberggård er et dejligt sted. Jeg kommer på kurset natur og motion, fordi jeg elsker at gå ture og nyder det sociale samvær med gruppen.

Personalet her er supergodt. Man får en god behandling, man bliver beriget med nyheder og snak indenfor sit eget problemfelt, og så er her en fredsfyldt natur. 

Jeg synes, at det er dejligt at komme her. Jeg nyder opholdet, og så er jeg den type, der gerne vil lære noget nyt hele tiden, så jeg skal helt sikkert af sted igen.